Day 1 Navratri Thali


Recipes for Faraali and gluten-free dishes to make a simple yet filling thali for Navratri fasting days.

Navratri is the festival to celebrate and pray for Goddess Durga and it is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over India twice in a year, once in March-April and in September-October. This year Navratri starts from tomorrow and will last for eight days only.

Some people observe fast in North India for 9 days and eat only Faraali food that is supposed to be Saatvik means without onions and garlic. Actually, different families have different customs some people eat one time and others twice a day. Few people eat all the vegetables grown underground while some are restricted to only a few.

We observe the fast for nine days and eat only the Farali flours (like amaranth flour, buckwheat flour, chestnut flour, barnyard millet flour), potatoes, sweet potato, taro root, coriander, green chilies, mint and rock salt only. Besides these ingredients, we can eat milk and milk-based products, peanuts, fox nuts and dried fruits.

I am going to post  9 thali recipes for the 9 days of Navratri which is going to focus on what we eat during fasting.

So for the first day of Navratri  in the thali, it is

Faraali Aloo

Kuttu ki Pakodi

Sago Kheer

Barnyard/Samak Khichdi

Mint Chutney( It is the same recipe minus garlic )

Cucumber Raita

*If you ever try this recipe don’t forget to share your photos with me on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter or tag me on Instagram @cookingwithsapana using the hashtag #cookingwithsapana and stay connected* I would love to see your creations from my space!!

Stay tuned for the next Saatvik Thali.


This is my post on the theme “Festival Recipes”. Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#86

Please do let me know how this recipe turned out in the comments below. Don’t forget that you can also find me on FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterest and Google Plus.

Best Regards,
Sapana Behl

15 thoughts on “Day 1 Navratri Thali”

  1. wow this faraali thali looks so scrumptious 🙂 I would love to eat them even when am not fasting, That is a nice post for navratri, perfect dishes to make for fasting .. Very Interesting thali there sapna..

  2. I have friends who follow the navrathri fasting and I am amazed at how much of variety there is in Faraali recipes. This thali looks so filling. I am eyeing the sago kheer which is our favorite.


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