Toffee Banana

Toffee Banana , yes that’s the name !! Well this recipe was in my to do list since the day I saw this episode of Food Safari. I got fascinated by the name and the delightful expressions of Maeve O’ Meara saying “mmmmm ” just after tasting the dish . I kept thinking was it so yummy or what ? Whenever there were banana in my fruits basket , I thought of making Toffee Banana ,  don’t know why I skipped it. But finally for BM#34 , under cooking with fruits theme , I got the courage and made these heavenly delicious Toffee Banana . And guess what , we all were eating and saying mmmmm mmmm . So let’s start the recipe . Yum

2 ripe banana , cut in round slices
1/2 cup Self raising flour
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup corn flour
Dash of cinnamon powder
120 gm sugar
Vegetable Oil for frying
1 teaspoon white sesame seeds
1 teaspoon black sesame seeds

In a bowl take self raising flour , add cinnamon powder and milk . Whisk it to make a smooth batter.
Heat oil in a pan , coat one slice of banana in corn flour , dip it in batter and pour in hot oil on low to medium flame. Repeat the same process with remaining slices of banana.
Meanwhile melt sugar in a pan with 1 tablespoon of water and cook till it starts boiling. Remove from heat , dip each of the fried banana in it for few seconds , drain and sprinkle some white and black sesame seeds.

Serve warm and enjoy.

Serve-2. Cooking time -20 minutes

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#34

Best regards,

Sapana Behl

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