Chinese Bread stick Twists

Chinese Breadstick Twists: A crispy deep fried flour sticks slightly dusted in sugar makes them perfect tea time munchies. I came to know about this dish while going through this link. The twists look like something my kids would enjoy so I went ahead and tried the recipe.

The twist also known as Dza Ma Hwa came out perfect as fried goodies can never go wrong and as expected my girls love munching them ever now and then. I made them yesterday and they are gone already. Yesterday was my non-stop cooking mode and I cooked almost nine dishes but to my bad luck, none was for the blog as I already have them live . When Hubby came home in the evening he is surprised that and happy that very often but I do cook a variety of dishes for them and not for “The Blog”.

Blogging Marathon#69 Week 3 / Day3
Theme– Homemade Chinese Takeout
Dish-Breadstick Twists

1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
a pinch salt
1/2 cup cold water
1/4 cup milk
1 tablespoon sugar
oil for frying
icing sugar for dusting

In a mixing bowl sift flour, salt and sugar. Add the milk and water in batches and mix the dough until it binds together.
Dust the dough with dry flour and make a round ball of the dough.keep the dough ball covered to rest for about 2 hours.
Once rested punch down the dough and knead again for 2 minutes.
Heat oil for frying in a wok or pan. Divide the dough into two portions.Dust one dough ball into dry flour and roll into a half inch circle.Cut about half inch strips from the dough.Twist the strips few times and join the ends.Repeat the same with the other half of dough.
Fry the twists in hot oil until golden and crispy.Remove from oil and cool the sticks.Dust them with icing sugar.
Store in air tight container.
Serve and enjoy.


Serve -4 Cooking time – 20 minutes

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#69

Best regards,

Sapana Behl

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